COVID-19 Update from Senator Setzler

We’re going to put every resource we have to work protecting the health, security and future of every South Carolinian.
— Senator Nikki Setzler

Only a few months ago we found ourselves thrust into a world we could have never imagined.

Every family is coping with its physical and fiscal health in a time of greater uncertainty than most of us have ever experienced.

But, in the South Carolina Senate, I am fighting to make sure that we will overcome this era of insecurity. As I have done throughout my entire career, I will do my best to step up and help lead us through this.

I know that right now we can’t act as if everything is okay—we can’t simply return to business as usual.

That’s why I am leading the effort to try and make sure schools are getting the right equipment, materials and funding to meet the health, safety and educational needs of our youth.

It is why I pushed hard and created more accessible and additional testing sites for Senate District 26 – as well as to provide protection for first responders and those working the front lines.

It is also why I stood side-by-side with volunteer firefighters and our neighbors for better EMS service and response times by adding more personnel and keeping stations open, rather than closing them.

And, it is why I am requesting the Senate be called back into session as soon as possible to address the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on voting rights and upcoming elections.

It’s all because I know the value of working together to overcome challenges so our families, businesses and state can be stronger than ever.

Adam F. Naughtoncovid-19