Nikki Setzler’s Leadership On The Issues
Schools & education
In the Senate, Nikki has worked hard to ensure our public education system will meet the demands of the 21st Century. He’s been a leader on creating lasting education reform. In addition to fighting for safer schools and improving academic standards, he has fought to enhance teacher quality, recruitment and retention. Nikki led the fight to improve teacher salaries and eliminate the outdated Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test (PACT), and create online virtual classrooms. During the COVID-19 crisis, he has worked to make sure the health and safety of students, educators, and staff is our state’s number one priority.
Cosponsored and a major advocate for statewide 4 year old kindergarten for at risk students.
Supported teacher pay raise.
Sponsored and got an amendment adopted to the education reform bill which adds education as an enhancement with Life and Palmetto Fellows scholarship recipients to help with teacher shortage.
Supported reducing standardized testing and giving teachers more time working with students.
Supported a 30 minute unencumbered period for elementary teachers.
Supported a flexible start date.
Pushed to reduce tuition increases for in state students at South Carolina colleges and universities.
“To me, nothing is more important than giving our children every possible opportunity to succeed. They deserve it and our future depends on it.”
In the midst of a global pandemic, our state continues to face uncertain times. As we navigate the rocky road ahead, we need strong, effective leaders who are willing to do what is right, get things done and make a difference. We need leaders who aren’t afraid to reach across the aisle to achieve bipartisan solutions. Nikki Setzler has done that all his life, in everything he’s ever been a part of—always listening to the voice of the people, standing up for our conservative values, and getting results that matter. He’s a leader in our community who listens when people talk, and gets things done.
“I’ve always fought for our children, families and senior citizens. And I hope to continue that record of accomplishment by leading our state into a bright future in the State Senate.”
When SCANA and Santee Cooper decided to abandon the V.C. Summer nuclear plan, Nikki demanded accountability. He pushed to see responsibility taken for the mishandling. When the General Assembly had to decide the future of SCANA and Santee Cooper, Nikki was a leader—fighting for the best decision on behalf of the people of South Carolina. Clean, affordable energy isn’t just important for powering our state, but it is key to preserving our environment. Nikki has fought to conserve precious resources and preserve countless natural spaces in our state and district, including the Riverwalk. His bipartisan work to reauthorize and fund the Conservation Bank, as well as his efforts to protect water quality and quantity, earned him a Green Tie award from the Conservation Voters of SC.
“I’ve lived my whole life in South Carolina. I owe it to my children and grandchildren to leave it a better place than I found it. So, I will always fight to protect this beautiful state that I'm so blessed to call home.”
Reforming State Government
Nikki believes in a taxpayer-friendly, pro-family government that will fight for our values, which begins with transparency and ends with accountability. That’s why he’s always taken a lead in bipartisan efforts to cut taxes, reduce spending and run government more efficiently. In the State Senate, he has spent his career fighting for change — for better, more compassionate services. Since 2005, Nikki has voted to return more than $1 billion annually to taxpayers and had led efforts to create tax relief for homeowners and small businesses.
Advocated funding for free COVID-19 testing and adequate distribution of PPE’s to hospitals and medical providers across the state.
Pushed for funding necessary for summer academic recovery camps for our K-3 students and public school and higher education fall openings so that our educational system would continue to meet students’ educational needs in as safe environment as possible under the circumstances.
Supported a funding allocation for local and state government public agencies to be reimbursed for direct COVID-19 related costs.
Supported an allocation of funds for the State’s unemployment fund to keep from having to increase rates on business in order to meet the needs of South Carolinians who lost their jobs because of COVID-19.
Championed addressing the lack of broadband infrastructure in many parts of our State where the lack of access negatively impacts our citizens’ health needs and educational opportunities, by funding mobile hotspots in poverty areas for a short-term solution, while simultaneously laying the groundwork necessary for the State to proceed to develop a long term solution to statewide broadband access.
There were some who didn’t want Nephron, Bridgestone or Amazon to locate in Lexington County. At a time when our state faced record unemployment, Nikki knew we couldn’t afford to let a wonderful opportunity slip through our hands. He took a stand, led the fight to bring employers here—and with them, thousands of good-paying jobs. He has worked hard to expand economic incentives, promote agribusiness and tourism, and build a business-friendly environment that allows companies to succeed. Before the pandemic hit, South Carolina and District 26 were enjoying historically low unemployment rates.
“Improving our economy is a top priority for me. I’m committed to doing everything I can to foster growth opportunities that will keep businesses here, bring new investments to our state, and make sure South Carolinians are gainfully employed.”
TRANSPORTATION & Infrastructure
Nikki supported the effort to pass the 2017 roads bill, allowing the State of South Carolina to repair dozens of miles of dangerous, deadly roadways in Senate District 26. He also ensured that SCDOT was able to create an effective alternative to Malfunction Junction that didn’t negatively impact neighborhoods like Quail Hollow and River's Edge. These efforts to improve our roads and infrastructure—while preserving what makes the Midlands great—have led to a new wave of economic development in our area and State.
Spearheaded getting malfunction junction (Carolina Crossroads) project to the point of starting the project which will be the biggest project in the history of the state.
Sponsored legislation and is fighting to widen all interstates to six lanes because of traffic jams and delays so that goods and citizens can move quicker, safer and better across SC.
Supports and is involved in the cyber security facility at USC Aiken.
Strong opponent of off - shore drilling.
Leader in standing with the volunteer fire departments and citizens in fighting for improved EMS service to all portions of Aiken County including opening closed stations, improving staffing and reasonable response times.
A leader in creating the River District in West Columbia Cayce including improving the Riverwalk, parking, interactive playground, wayfaring signage and improvements to Newman landing.
access to healthcare
The rising cost of—and diminishing access to—quality healthcare is a concern for everyone, especially senior citizens, families with children and those in poverty. Nikki has voted to place a full-time nurse in every elementary school, fund a vital breast cancer treatment and screening program, and lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors. During the coronavirus pandemic, he pushed to ensure DHEC had the funding it needed and worked tirelessly with medical providers and local community leaders to arrange for free COVID testing across District 26.
Supported opioid prescription limitation.
Supported more accountability as to prescription drug prices.
Voted and pushed for $45M emergency funding for DHEC at the start of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Supported expanding suspected child abuse and neglect reporting requirements.
“I will always advocate for health improvement programs, prescription drug relief, and better, easier, more affordable access to healthcare.”
Keeping Communities Safe
As a leader on the big issues, Nikki has always fought to make sure our first responders have the resources they need to keep our families safe. With public safety as a key concern, Nikki has focused on protecting our communities and state—recently standing with volunteer fire departments and fought to improve response times in rural areas of Aiken County.
AccountABility and transparency
One of the initiators and co-chair of the study committee to investigate the SCANA and Santee Cooper nuclear power construction leading to the disclosure of what had really occurred.
Supported reform of the Public Service Commission and the Office of Regulatory Staff.
Enhanced the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act
Fought to improve governance of the SC Retirement System and to reform the SC Department of Transportation Commission.
Supported reform of the SC Conservation Bank.
Voted against giving millions of dollars of tax incentives to a billionaire.
Reauthorized First Steps.
Supported and voted for bringing state law into conformity with federal GI Bill provisions for paying in state tuition instead of out of state tuition.
Supported and voted to establish a separate Department of Veterans Affairs with Secretary appointed by the Governor.